20 results
Why do we want to control fermentation? For one, the consumer expects a consistent quality product. Furthermor...
This is the third and final installment of a three part "Speaker Series". Here Matt Brynildson, Brewmaster at...
What are yeast? How are yeasts being classified? What are the essential properties of brewing yeasts? How do t...
This lecture dives further into the genetic background of brewing yeasts. What are the specific characteristic...
Brewers are well aware, or should be well aware, of the importance of providing sufficient nutrients to the br...
What is the difference between Respiration and Fermentation? How is yeast metabolism influenced? This lecture...
The aims, objectives, and the techniques of pure culturing, maintenance, and preservation of brewing yeast str...
This lecture looks at how yeast’s physical behavior, specifically its life cycle and flocculation ability, aff...
The Fermenting Operations are some of the most crucial for the brewery, and will have some of the largest impa...
Propagating a clean strain of Lactobacillus is difficult. This lecture addresses the routes taken to propagate...